Join us

Membership Information


You are a small company, a startup or a freelancer in the IT sector and you want to learn from others, share your experience or know how and what to connect to other IT experts, then you are right here.
The membership gives you access to a great network if trusted IT exports from all kinds of domains. We have Developers, Security Engineers, Consultant from various areas, Agile Experts and many more. Your membership will get you  access to the shared knowhow of all members, which will help you to grow your own skill and your business. We have an online collaboration suite, which will give you immediate access to the rest of the crew and we have regular personal meetings to get to know each other. To ensure the quality of the members we currently only allow new members to join with a recommendation of an existing member.

Fees & Benefits

Everyone can decide if he would like to join as an individual member or as a company member.

Individual Member

CHF 400/yr
Online Collaboration Tool Access
Regular Personal Meetings
Access to the Member Profiles
Join Meetings of other Chapters
Member Profile
Get Started

Company Member

CHF 1000/yr
Online Collaboration Tool Access
Regular Personal Meetings
Access to the Member Profiles
Join Meetings of other Chapters
Member Profile
Company Profile
Mentioning on the Website
3 Employee Slots for Meetings
3 Employee Slots for Positions in the Association
3 Votes in the Association

The fees are per calendar year and due on the 1st of January. In the year of entry, the fees are calculated pro rate on the beginning of the month of entry.

Apply For Memebership

Please use the following form to apply for the membership. The membership will only be granted if you have a recommendation from an existing member. The association reserves the right to reject applications, if the applicant does not fit into the target audience of the association.

Application Form

Chapter Leadership

The first chapter has just been founded in the Zürich area, but we are ready to expand quickly to different areas. Since personal meetings are very important, the chapters should not grow too big and there should be chapters in all areas of Switzerland. Every area needs a local leader to organise the event and to connect with the board and the other chapter leaders.

Teamwork makes the dream work!
Membership FAQ

Get started with TecHub Swiss

How do I become a member?
How do you meet?
Can TecHub Swiss help my startup IT company?
What are the individual benefits for me as an IT Professional?
What are the corporate benefits of joining TecHub Swiss?
Does TecHub Swiss make partnerships and accept donations?