TecHUB event

Christmas Event - 2022

November 24, 2022 18:00

TecHUB Christmas Event 2022

Written by Sufi Mohamed
Published by Dec. 13 2022

The Christmas event has long been awaited by TecHUB members. The board organized an experience well-timed: an apéro near Globus, a gentle walk, and a fantastic viewing of a well-lit boat that cruised the lake of Zürich. TecHUB members not only enjoyed a feast aboard the Panta Rhei, but also exchanged new insights and recent experiences with their customers and colleagues.

The brisk cool walk kept members awake and attentive to one another. There have been lots of changes and developments throughout the companies and fellows. These included new acquisitions and knowledge acquired in newly explored areas. 

Apéro at Globus

TechHUB has considerably grown which meant, of course, the consequential growth in new partnerships and acquisitions. Over hot, or perhaps those who preferred room temperature, glühwine previously held conversations since the previous TecHUB event continued. There seemed to be an air of fascination and familiarity, a social event that contributed to the significant purpose behind TecHUB -- a social community. It was a great mix of familiar faces and newly joined members.

Engaging conversations at globus

Those freezing in the cold couldn’t wait to start the walk towards the boat. The trek to the boat felt long to some, to others it wasn’t. Their thoughts were full of those conversations that they wish they could continue certainly well beyond the evening. The boat was covered in lights, waiting for TecHUB members at the nearby pier.

Arriving at the pier
Dinner on the boat

A slow meal on the boat allowed TecHUB members to move around and continue their conversations. Those conversations lasted late into the night until the boat dropped us off at the pier and departed again into the dark. 

TecHUB members wish you all the best in the New Year and hope that more will join us in the near future.